Mad we missed it: Outbreak Festival 2023

My biggest regret of the summer? Missing Outbreak Festival.

Photo: [Ashlea Bea @ashleabeaphoto]

As summer comes to a close, so does festival season in the UK.

Reminiscing on summer’s festival-fuelled months is a beloved tradition for many. But I’ve found myself doing the opposite: what about all the festivals I missed?

Post Concert Depression steps aside for Missed Festival Regret — especially when it comes to Outbreak Festival, which I was unable to attend.

The Outbreak press photos sitting in my inbox are both a blessing and a curse. It’s a joy to be able to witness key moments from the festival eternalised in photographic form, from stage dives to skating. But deep down I know these photos do no justice to the atmosphere of actually being there.

This year, the weekend festival expanded upon its legacy with headliners Convergence, Bane, Death Grips and Denzel Curry. Other iconic acts include Machine Girl, Turnover and Loathe – all causing my Missed Festival Regret to soar.

Located in Manchester’s iconic Victoria Warehouse, Outbreak also boasted an indoor skatepark and free haircuts. 

In missing out on Outbreak 2023, there is one thing I’ve gained: the determination to attend Outbreak 2024.


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