Vanarin offer up new track ‘Lonely’

The Anglo-Italian alt-pop unit reveal their soulful new track

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First off, if I don’t get this off my chest before I begin I may go mad: who looks someone up to see what they look like via Google search? Genuinely, unless you’re famous or happen to have a name like mine (until Kamala Harris ran for Vice President and ruined how easy it was to Google me, of course) then your face isn’t coming up on a search result. I need answers.

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Anyway, that mystery aside, they deliver something we Brits have mastered over here with the likes of Easy Life and Alfie Templeman. With a blend of neo-soul and alt-pop, we’ve been gifted a track that’s just as easy to dance to as it is to study to. Not an easy task to do if you plan on getting any actual studying done.

Despite this being the first time I’ve heard of Vanarin, something about them feels eerily familiar; is it the flicker of Britishism about them? Before seeing they were actually Anglo-Italian, I thought they were from Great Britain — they’d be right at home in Brighton. Even with a sea between us, they could easily cement themselves just as well in ‘our’ music scene as their own.

Lonely is a taster of what’s to follow from their next full-length album ‘Treading Water’, which will be released later this year.


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